There is Something About That Name

Matthew 1:20-25 

Luke: 2:21 

I found a journal entry from several years that I am moved to share. I was following an author who took his advent study through Epiphany, the 12 days after Christmas. This day was the 8th day-the day, 8 days after Jesus’ birth when Joseph would have taken his son to the temple to be circumcised. As I wrote, I was writing as if talking with Jesus.

“I am awake again to a gray and overcast day. I am getting a late start and only have a few minutes here in my chair with my journal, my heart and my mind open to receive from you Lord. Oh, how I have grown to cherish these times, to love the word that comes from you to form and transform my life, my heart, my mind and my soul.

I love you more than words can say, Father, and I praise you for the gift of words. Words that express, in part, the way that you have blessed me,

Used me,

Shaped me,

Loved me,

Refined me,

Redeemed me.

Every day there is a new experience from which I grow in my faith in You! Sometimes it comes through good and positive experiences. Sometime the growth comes through disappointment; or a revelation about me; or pain; or a seemingly unanswered prayer.  These times always remind me how much I need a Savior.

Today, as I read of the day you, Jesus, received the sign of Abraham’s covenant, I am reminded of another name for you, Emmanuel, God with us! God-fully human and fully divine! What an intriguing day! God himself, took on the pain and discomfort of the covenant of circumcision He made with his own creation! I wonder what Joseph thought as he presented you, his son, at the temple that day. 

This is also the day that Joseph kept his word and named you Jesus, meaning “the Lord is salvation.”

I recall the many names we have used through the ages to try to define you, Jesus. Words to help us understand who you are. Names that help us in this finite world, understand you, our Infinite God, coming to earth as one of us.

“Master, Savior, Lord of all Creation.

Christ, Messiah, Friend, Teacher, Rabbani,

Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Son of Man, Son of God

But in the end, it is Jesus. Just as the song says: ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there is something about that name!’ that brings me humbly to my knees. When your name stays forefront in my mind and I remember all that you did for me, all the glory that is due you, I can scarcely believe the power and love and peace and grace in the name JESUS!  The name at which all creation will bow and worship. The name of the only One who was willing to suffer and die for us. The name that defeated Death. The only name that heals and saves and guides, and most of all, forgives!

And, yet, Christ my King, my Jesus, you were not content to give a name just to yourself.  A name that set you apart from all others in this world, which you inhabited for a short while. 

No, you chose to bestow a new name on me, as well. Me and all others who would follow you and claim you as Risen Lord down through the ages. All who would speak your name with reverence and awe. All who are reminded of the great debt we owe you for taking on our shame and sinfulness on the cross.

You call me Child. Beloved. Daughter. Heir. Friend. 

And beyond that, I am called Christian-Christ person. You have let me-let us-bear a name that has your name in it, Christ.

Oh Jesus, may I never take my new names, my new identity in you for granted! May I always live, knowing that with the privilege of being your Beloved, comes the responsibility to bear your cross, as well.

And it comes with the awesome privilege of bearing your Light and your Song and your Glory and your Good News to the world you came to save. To proclaim with the same gusto and strength that the angels did on a star-filled night centuries ago.

Oh Jesus, shine forth in me. My heart is full of love for you. May it spill over to touch all I see and meet and encounter this day!”

I never know where my pen will take me when I take it out and begin writing to Jesus. But, I do know this-it always takes me to a place of humble worship and joy in knowing I am His.

Here is a link to that song “There is Something About That Name” It dates me, but years ago this was a favorite of mine! Enjoy some good ole songs about Jesus! 

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